BACC brands Graeme Smith unfit for his job

BACC against Graeme Smith’s appointment as CSA’s director of Cricket:

Black African Cricket Clubs (BACC) has said that Cricket South Africa (CSA)’s new director of Cricket, Graeme Smith is unfit for the job.

Former South Africa captain, Graeme Smith, who captained South Africa’s men’s national team in 108 out of his 117 Tests, also scored more than 9200 runs with an average of 48.25 in Tests.

Smith was recently appointed as CSA’s director of Cricket on December 11 till March 2020. Mark Boucher was also brought in as head coach and Jacques Kallis took over as batting coach.

BACC brands Graeme Smith unfit for his job 2

BACC’s statement against Graeme Smith:

BACC’s chairperson, Ntsongo Sibiya said that the director of cricket has a responsibility to develop everyone.

“I’m not sure what [Smith] understands about a kid in Soweto [a city] or in a rural area. I don’t think he understands those dynamics. Anyone who has the potential to play must be given the opportunity to shine at the highest level, regardless of where they come from,” said Ntsongo Sibiya.

“If you were a black man and Graeme Smith becomes the director of cricket would you trust him to develop your son?” The chairperson added.

Sibiya said that BACC’s problem is not with Graeme Smith himself, but they need someone, not necessarily a black African, that will understand them.

BACC’s aim is that all less privileged and poor black African kids should get a chance to play depending on their merit, despite their color or city.

Graeme Smith’s response regarding the issue:

CSA”s director of cricket, Graeme Smith said in his statement on Friday: “I’m fully aware that in times of change in any organisation there will be instances of uncertainty and distrust from members of certain groups. I’m also well aware that in South Africa it will take a lot for some members of the black community to put their trust in a white man of my background,”

“I can assure them, however, that I fully intend to do my best to advance the transformation agenda of [CSA] and ensure that young black African players are given the opportunity that they deserve to reach the highest levels in all areas of the game.” He added.

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